Who is E. Octavius Goshawk?

I met him two years ago on a stale night as I strode south on Jefferson Avenue. I had just passed a corner mart, the Shop and something. A haggard man jumped out and growled at me. At first, I thought he was going to rob or attack me, but he quickly calmed down. I tried to talk to him, but he remained quiet for an awkward five minutes or so. He started to speak at a rapid pace. He told me his peculiar name and ranted about the government and how he wasn’t receiving his disability checks. All I could do was listen. Then he spoke the words that I have kept with me since then: “Walking is overrated. Show those fucks how badass you are.”

It was a simple, yet complex statement. It was nonsensical, but clear at the same time. I still cannot explain it, and I haven’t seen him since.


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Why do you write such trash?

Maybe the question should have been phrased better before you sent it, but I will attempt to answer. This question is directed towards my book, HANDYS, FLY SWATTERS, AND THE HOMELESS. Let me say this. Trash can be discarded, thrown away.... Continue →