What do you use to type?

I still carry a small notepad and pen, but that is not my primary means of documentation. I carry a mobile typewriter, aka tablet.

Because of our technological marvels, well, let me correct myself and say the world’s technological marvels, I am able to see millions of tiny bits of information and I am also able to document thoughts without worrying about the integrity of my pen and paper. I have multiple platforms to save my information on, in case I were to accidentally delete a string of info using one of them.

Paper only lasts as long as it’s allowed to exist based on the environment which it lives. Binary backup could be infinite, allowing a guaranteed “just in case” approach to notes, drawings, and stories.

I use a tablet because I don’t have the luxury of a desktop computer or a smartphone full of fancy digital wizardry. I use a tablet because it only cost $55 from a pawn shop, and it only took me six months to save up for. It’s mobile, as I am, not tied down to one location for sharing. I easily connect to free wifi and my digitized adventure begins.


Now read this

Water farts to bubbles to life.

Just a silly moment: I was talking to a man today while loitering around a gas station. He was telling me about the last time he took a bath, which apparently was several weeks ago. He got very visual in his description. I was polite and... Continue →